This Sunday, we hear one of the most beautiful and powerful parables Jesus tells. It is about a Loving Father and two sons that fall short in accepting that love. One son comes home for the wrong reason the other son stays home and does not know what home is all about . In the original context, Jesus is explaining why he hangs out with sinners and chides the Pharisees and scribes for not understanding. The Father is God. The first son represents sinners being welcomed back home. The second and bitter son represents those like the Pharisees and scribes. However, this parable is timeless and speaks lovingly and strongly TO ALL WHO WOULD HEAR DEEPLY. God, the Loving Father is always ready to forgive. He forgave the first son, the moment he left the Father. The Father waits for the son to return home so that he can experience the love and forgiveness that is his. Even though this son comes home for the wrong reason – to take care of himself and his belly – the wayward son is embraced and his homecoming celebrated. The second son, hearing of his brother’s return and the celebration taking place, sulks, grows bitter and doesn’t want to welcome his brother back. Although this son lived with the father he had no idea of how great and wonderful his Father is. He has trouble accepting the totality and generosity of the Father’s love. This parable reminds us of the amazing love of God for us. It calls us to accept God’s forgiveness personally and to be forgiving of others. God’s desire for all his sons and daughters is that they accept his love and celebrate with one another and our God eternally at the Great Banquet .
© 2013 Eugene S. Ostrowski