Today as I walked over to the church a light dusting of snow was on the ground. As I looked at the garden, the green of crocus and hyacinth were pushing up through the ground and snow. In the cold of winter, I sense the promise of spring. We know that the promise of Lent is Easter. We know Good Friday will give way to Easter Sunday. Every year, the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent tells us of the temptations of Christ. Every year the Gospel for the Second Sunday tells the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. On the First Sunday we are reminded of the struggle that we must engage in. The Second Sunday tells of the glory that will be given to those who engage in the struggle. In this Sunday’s scripture readings, we hear of God’s promise for the future. In the reading from Genesis, we hear God’s promises to Abraham – a vast multitude of descendants and a promise of land. Abraham believed in God’s promises and remained faithful to God. In the second reading, Paul calls us to be faithful. “Therefore, my brothers and sisters … stand firm in the Lord.” In the Gospel account of the Transfiguration, we are reminded that Christ had first to suffer and then enter into the glory of the resurrection. Today we are reminded that in a world of empty promises, there is one who always is faithful – one who keeps his promises. At the end of it all, there is a transfiguration, a passage into eternal life. We endure wint er, because spring is near. We know there is no Easter Sunday without a Good Friday. We know that faithfulness in the here and now leads to fullness of life forever. We know this is true because God has promised it in Jesus Christ . GOD KEEPS PROMISES MADE.
© 2013 Eugene S. Ostrowski