Week Two Advent Reflections
Monday, December 5, 2022 A paralyzed man wanted to get to Jesus. However, he was completely dependent on others if he was to get close to Jesus. On this occasion, his community went [...]
Week One Advent Reflections
First Sunday of Advent - Sunday, November 27 We are beginning the season of Advent, the time for preparing for His advent, the coming of the Lord. How can we make [...]
Father’s Day
Therese of Lisieux and St. Teresa of Avila have their own stories about the influence their fathers had on their lives as role models. The Little Flower used to ask an innocent question [...]
What Am I Going To Do For Lent?
Lent is here! Like most of you, I have seen many Lents come and go without any significant changes taking place in my life. Often, I seem to be the same person on [...]
I don’t know about you but I am feeling a little restless. It’s not that I am unhappy. I enjoy what I am doing and in general life is going well for me. [...]