Move into a new future
Too often we get caught up either in our past or present rather than embracing a new future. Recall the old adage " Don't cry over spilt milk." Both the past and present [...]
Amazing Love
This Sunday, we hear one of the most beautiful and powerful parables Jesus tells. It is about a Loving Father and two sons that fall short in accepting that love. One son comes [...]
What Are We About?
In Teaching a Stone to Talk, Annie Dillard writes: “On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort [...]
Seize the Moment
Lent and today's readings are an invitation to action. In the reading from Exodus we have an account of Moses' experience of God. It is the famous story of the burning bush. Moses [...]
Promised Change
Today as I walked over to the church a light dusting of snow was on the ground. As I looked at the garden, the green of crocus and hyacinth were pushing up through [...]
Lent an Encounter with God
In today's readings, we hear of three transforming encounters with God. Isaiah speaks of a vision he had of God. His initial reaction is one of fear and he becomes aware of his [...]