What is the Ladies Guild?
The purpose of the Corpus Christi Ladies Guild is two-fold:
- To provide fellowship to the women of the parish at our monthly meetings and at fun activities throughout the year.
- To provide service to the parish, school, and local agencies in need
The Ladies Guild is involved in many activities throughout the year:
Monthly Meetings – The Ladies Guild group holds meetings once a month in our Parish Center – Our next meeting is on Thursday, April 4th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center
Mass Ministries – Ladies guild members serve as hospital, altar servers, cantors, and Eucharistic Ministers at masses
Funeral Luncheons – When a there is a funeral in our Parish, the Ladies Guild helps the family by offering a fully catered funeral luncheon and baking desserts
Donations – The Ladies Guild makes many charitable donations throughout the year which include, but are not limited to: Corpus Christi School Race for Education, St. Vincent Food Pantry, Christmas Gifts, Night at the Races, 8th Grade Scholarship Funds, and School Fundraisers
Get Well Cards – The Ladies Guild members send out cards to ill parishoners throughout the year
Lions Club Community Festival – Ladies Guild has a chairperson and helpers that work the festival in August. The group makes baked good and works the instant bingo tent for the event
Boscov Coupons – Two weekends in October Ladies Guild members sell Boscov coupons before and after all the Masses
Poinsettias – Members deliver poinsettias to shut-ins at Christmas time
Annual Christmas Party – A Christmas Party is open to all the women in our Parish annually. During this event, the Ladies Guild also collects a large amount of canned goods.
We would love you have you join us! Call the Parish Office at 304-277-2911 for information!